If you're like many people, the beginning of a new year often inspires new resolutions that you hope to achieve in the forthcoming months. It's often easy to set goals with every intent on accomplishing them, but days can quickly turn into weeks and even months. All too often, we find that time passes without us having achieved the things that we first promised ourselves we would. One way to help remind yourself of your new year's resolution is to wear something that will keep it fresh on your mind and with you every day. Jewelry is a wonderful way to inspire yourself to accomplish the goals that you set, as it will serve as a daily reminder that's always in your sight.
Does your new year's resolution involve a dream vacation that you've always wanted to take, or perhaps just a week at your favorite beach? If the shore is 'waving' through your mind, add a palm tree, flip-flop sandal or sun design to your jewelry wardrobe. If you've always dreamed of taking a safari vacation, consider an animal pendant, charm or even a pair of earrings that will make you think of your upcoming adventure.
When it comes to new year's resolutions, one of the most common is that of being healthier, getting more exercise and eating right. If that's your goal, perhaps a piece of jewelry that represents your favorite sport or activity would be ideal. Whether you prefer skiing, basketball, baseball, football, jogging or other activity, you will find the inspiration to stick with your goal each time you look at your jewelry. If you desire better health, wear a heart necklace, bracelet or pair of earrings to remind yourself to be kind to your heart by adopting a healthier lifestyle.
If you are looking to strengthen your faith, perhaps a piece of jewelry that celebrates your particular religion would be something that reminds you on a daily basis of your commitment. If happiness is what you hope to see for the upcoming year, perhaps jewelry featuring a smiling face or other symbol that makes you happy would provide a wonderful start to your day.
Last but not least, many people strive to achieve a better job or continue their education. If either of these are something that you hope to accomplish, you can start the new year off by dressing for success. As a student, perhaps a book charm or graduation cap symbol would be the perfect addition to your jewelry collection. If it's a new career that you crave, think about something that will inspire you to reach your goal and look for that image in a piece of jewelry.
In conclusion, jewelry can be a wonderful way to dress up both your wardrobe and your mood. Although the desire to make a resolution and the strength to stick with it require a great amount of determination, it never hurts to have a beautiful reminder staring at you on a daily basis. Jewelry, when worn with a purpose, can serve as both a meaningful and inspirational accessory.
Source: http://www.classicarticles.com/Article/Jewelry-Ideas-to-Inspire-Your-New-Year-s-Resolution/43390
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