Saturday, March 22, 2008

Gems To Suit Your Mood

Natural stones are believed to have unlimited powers. You must have come across necklaces made up of beautiful gemstones, but have you ever thought about the mystical powers and natural healing qualities these stones have? It can be great fun to know what these gemstones can do besides complimenting your wardrobe. Some of the gems and their special properties are as follows:


The name has been derived from the Amazon River, even though no deposit of amonzonite has been found there. There are variations in the color of this stone. It ranges from yellow green to blue green, and sometimes fine white colored streaks can also be seen. This stone is said to have exceptional healing qualities and it can be very effective in making your skin look better. It also helps in relieving anxiety and fear. Many people believe that amonzonite can bring a lot of happiness into married life. When you buy this stone, make sure that you don't confuse it with jade.


Chalcedony is a term that has been derived from an ancient town in Greece called Chalkedon in Asia Minor. This stone is commonly found in yellow, pale blue, gray with a wax like luster and brown color. Some other varieties of chalcedony that are marketed are buff, white or light tan. It is very expensive and it is also considered to be one of the best stones in the market.

As far as healing qualities are concerned, this stone is believed to help an individual fight depression, hysteria, fear, sadness and mental illness. It also reduces fever and can be very good for the eyes. Chalcedony has mystical powers for promoting peace and calmness. Creativity can be stimulated if you wear this stone. This is not only one of the best stones to wear, but many people also like to collect them.


This stone got its name from the Greek word 'Agate' which means happy. Based on another theory, this word comes from the name of a Greek stone that was found in Sicily in Achates River, now known as the Drillo River. This river is still the main source of agate stone. You can find agate in transparent or opaque varieties, in several beautiful colors.

It is a cooling stone that is supposed to be effective in quenching thirst, reducing fever and good for the stomach. Your heart beats and pulse can be regulated with agate. It is said to be the best stone for a healthy and prosperous life. This stone can guard you from any sort of danger and makes you not only cautious and temperate, but content as well. Agate has the mystical power of helping an individual view him or her self with more clarity and a broad viewpoint. You are supposed to get pleasant dreams and sleep well if you wear agate.

This stone is named after Czar Alexander II. It is said to have power of absorption and that is why it looks purple in artificial light and green in daylight. Alexandrite is believed to fight low self esteem and improve the disorders of the nervous system. It can also bring relief in problems related to spleen and pancreas.

Shopping For Clothing

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